Once we got to the museum, we found out that it had changed its name, and take it from me, while what we saw was rather interesting, it wasn't worth the price of admission. From there, we made our way toward Times Square and ESPN Zone. Once we were seated, I couldn't help but keeping my head on swivel looking at all the different feeds that were available on the big wall of screens. As I said earlier, the food wasn't that great, but the time spent with Karla made it enjoyable. We had to take a raincheck on the upper level game arena, but we'll be back there again soon enough.
Later on in the week my dad took me, my cousin and some of my friends up to F1 Boston for some extreme go-kart racing. We only raced twice, but when you're averaging almost 40 mph in a go-kart, it can be really intense. Here's a layout of the track we raced on:
In the first race, I topped out at almost 40 mph, but hit the wall hard twice and got stuck making a turn. Needless to say I wasn't too pleased. In the second race I was a bit more consistent but finished second by about 2 seconds. Once everyone's nerves settled a bit, we headed into Beantown to have lunch at Boston Beer Works, then go bowling over at Jillian's behind Fenway Park. Being able to spend part of my birthday with some of my closest friends racing and bowling really meant a lot to me and is a tradition I hope to continue as long as I can. To top it off, the only way I was celebrating was by wearing my brand new Whalers t-shirt that I got for Christmas (see below). Let's just say I'm still on my quest to find a jersey.
After that wonderful week, it came time to begin the process of moving from my childhood apartment to New Britain. While I have many memories here, and can proudly say that my son grew up in the same house as me, the time came for us to step back out on our own and keep taking the steps toward our first house. We're in transition between here and New Britain, but I can't begin to describe how excited we are to start settling in at our new humble abode. I want to share a piece of a blog from my friend Gina that describes this transition:
"You know when you get on a rollercoaster- that feeling when they put the shoulder bars down and they lock and you realize there is no turning back? And you round the bend and hear the click click click as you head up that first giant hill... you look around and for that 30 seconds or so that you are chugging up that giant hill things look so peaceful and everything looks so small. The feeling I have right now is the feeling you get just as you see the first car come right up over the crest of that giant hill and you are like "oh shit." You know its gonna be fun, you are gonna survive and who the hell knows how many loops and twists and turns are up ahead- you got yourself into this damn mess."
Now I wouldn't say this transition is a mess, but it's sure going to have its fair share of twists and turns. It's going to be a lot of fun and we're going to grow as a family, especially with Ethan soon to be going to school (I know- almost 3 years has gone by since our Peanut arrived). From here, as the cliche' famously proclaims, "The sky's the limit." Until next time...
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