Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rising Again...

So it's been 18 months since I last posted here, and the word SLACKER doesn't even begin to describe my efforts to keep this blog updated. As 2010 came to a close, I thought about doing what I called "reactivating" my blog because we're entering a new year and it was time to rededicate myself to putting my thoughts and feelings in cyberspace. I sit here now, watching episodes of Card Sharks on GSN (the Bob Eubanks era by the way), beginning my "reactivation" when I should probably be sleeping. Eh, I still have another day or two to get my sleep pattern back into "grind" mode, so who cares, right??

The year 2011 has many changes coming for me. The biggest change won't happen until sometime in the spring, when I go from being a father of one to a father of three (Note: I will definitely post the sexes of our twins when we find out later this month.). When I found out we were having twins back in October, I called my mom, having not fully grasped the concept that I would a father of multiples. Before I continue, let me give you some backstory. When I was in high school, maybe 16 or 17 years old, I hatched this master plan that would take me through college and into my early 30s. I sat down at the kitchen table with my mom and proudly told her the following:
1) Graduate college at 22
2) Get married at 25
3) Have 3 kids: 1st at 27, 2nd at 29, 3rd at 31
I accomplished the first one on time, graduating from Endicott College in 2002. I also accomplished the second one on time too, albeit very uniquely. The third one- well, let's just say I accomplished it, just not on the terms that I set in 1996 or 1997. Ethan joined us when I was 25, and I will be 31 when the twins join us this spring.

Now back to that phone call. Mom had no idea (so I thought) that we were having twins because she was the only immediate family member I hadn't called that day, since she was flying home to Orlando from Kenya. Here's the conversation in a nutshell:
Me: Hi Mom.
Mom: Hi Patrick!
Me: Are you sitting down?
Mom: Yeah, I'm sitting down.
Me: Good, because I've got some news for you.
Mom: You're having twins.
Mom: Patrick, I've only been on the ground for four hours- Stephie didn't tell me anything. I just kinda knew.
Me (in total disappointment): Geez Mom, way to steal my thunder!
Mom (trying to be consoling and reassuring): I'm sorry, Patrick. Moms just kinda have that sixth sense that their kids will never understand.

Needless to say she was still excited that she was going to be a Nana for three now. After my disbelief, I reminded her of the conversation we had back in '96 or '97, adding that I knew I wanted three kids, but didn't think I would end up going the 2-for-1 route to round out the crew. At that point she reminded me that the Lord hears everything we speak, so He wanted to bless us twofold.

I'm going to have my hands full soon, between getting to know the twins and keeping Ethan's routine as normal as possible while becoming an awesome big brother. But throughout this next stage in my life's journey, I know that I'll have a strong support system of friends and family to keep me as calm and collected as I can be through the onslaught of changes that will hit me within the next few months. I hope those of you that take the time to check out my blog will join me in sharing my life experiences this year and beyond. While I may be off to rest and recharge for the year ahead, the title I chose for this post symbolizes my "reactivation," like the phoenix rising from the ashes. I, the Sports Guy, will too rise again.

Until next time...

1 comment:

pdouglas76 said...

We'll guess what? When I was 15 I had a similar conversation with mom. Unlike you I only told her that I was going to be way or the other. She asked me why I wanted to be rich and I told her for 3 reasons. First, she wouldn't have to work anymore unless she chose to. Secondly, I could buy her the house she has always wanted and deserved. Thirdly, it could afford us a better quality of life and we wouldn't have to settle for anything anymore. She totally agreed. Now 19 years later I have been blessed with some unique opportunities that will hopefully allow me to accomplish this. With that all being said I wish you the absolute best and ask you to do the same for ya lil' bro....